Dozens of people are arrested at the Burbank Airport each year, for charges ranging from possession of drugs, weapons, or other violations. Because of the heightened scrutiny since 9/11, extreme measures are taken to maintain a secure hold on the airport property.
In some cases, it is unlawful to possess items at the airport that would not otherwise be unlawful to possess in other locations. Penal Code section 171.5 makes it a crime to possess ammunition in any form at the airport. The same is true for pepper spray and other similar substances. Unfortunately, a lack of understanding regarding the state and local laws result in many of the Burbank Airport arrests each year.
What do you do if you have been arrested at the Burbank Airport? The first thing you should do is to contact a Burbank Airport Arrest Attorney who has first-hand experience handling airport arrests at Burbank Airport. An effective attorney can speak with Burbank law enforcement, as well as the Burbank Prosecutor's Office, to determine what, if any, alternatives may be available for your case. Because many people arrested at the airport have never had negative law enforcement contact, the courts and prosecutors may consider diversion programs or similar resolutions.
You can read more about airport arrests at our Los Angeles Airport Arrest Attorney webpage.

Burbank Airport Arrest Attorney
Law Offices of George Kita